Have you also run into problems taking out tanks in the PC game Jagged Alliance Crossfire. As in the other Jagged Alliance games, tanks are pretty tough to destroy. The main solutions to knock out tanks are: 1.) LAW: Light Antitank Weapon aka Bazooka 2.) Rocket Launchers 3.) RPG short for Rocket Propelled Grenade. 4.) Explosives. Time-delayed or remote-controlled explosives. 5.) Grenades - Actually the Pineapple grenade can take out tanks if used in quantities. 6.) Rocket Rifle - It takes 4 shots to take out the tank on the military base with this weapon. Maybe you are struggling with the tank at the military base. You need to shoot the tank with 3 LAW shots on normal difficulty to destroy the tank.
There can be a choice made by you whether to get a job or to start your own business. Doing a business involves more risk. Truly said, More risk more gain, No risk no gain. Job and Business both involve risk but it is higher in running a business as then you are an entrepreneur and all losses/profits will be borne by you. Running a business, you really can choose your future and don't have to do the normal expected things. Below are some ways which would help you to understand how a business can be started and operated successfully.
STEPS: 1.) If you have decided that you wish to start your own business then you need to be clear about certain things like What is your objective? What is the industry/type of business you want to start with? What is the product/ services? How much money do you need to start a business? So once these points are considered you can move ahead to plan a business idea. 2.) Now it's time to find out a business idea. You may have a unique idea or you may need help to figure out what could work for you. There can be a big list of business ideas. You need to choose the same based on your objective and convenience. These Ideas may involve:
4.) At this point in time, your small business or home-based business should be up and running. Now it is important that you keep yourself updated on the current market happenings like the competitors who have entered the market, the change in the choices or likings of the customers, etc. This would help to improve your offering and you would be able to hold your position in the market even when the market is very competitive. It is always a good practice to update your business and take action to improve your business operations. 5.) With your consistent efforts and God‘s grace, you might have become a successful businessman by now but still business faces chaos and issues which need to be attended from time to time. An important key to a successful and lasting business is to find problems and eliminate them before they get so big that they start to have a negative effect on your business. These conflicts might be related to suppliers, employees, or customers. With each of them, the issue should be tackled nicely considering the long-term relationship with them. You need to be fair in your approach. A long-term relationship with your associates will make you survive in the market for a long. 6.) Running a business successfully will give you financial stability, freedom to work on your own, and everything you want from your business. A practical approach and well-thought stargazes would help you grow and achieve all you dream of. 7.) You need to be clear and determined about the objective to be achieved and try to achieve those goals by fair means. 8.) Cost-cutting should be practiced in operating a business. If you wish to be a success in business, a tight hold on your expenses is a must. In fact, a good rule of thumb is that anything that does not make money for you or protect your investment, should not be purchased at this time. 9.) Recruiting those who are self-motivated, talented, versatile can speed up the success of your organization. With the skillful employees, productivity would increase and the system would become more efficient. 10.) Give your best and always encourage your team. Make them feel a part of the family, not just the workers. 11.) You should be open to other opinions. Employee participation can also be helpful. It will also bring creative ideas to your company. WARNINGS: Success comes with consistent efforts, there is no shortcut. Stay away from unfair practices/means. This can bring down the credibility of you and your business in the market. Be sure that you are following all legal procedures. HOW TO WRITE A BOOK
INTRODUCTION Anyone can learn how to write a book on any subject. Write a book about what you are interested in and knowledgeable about. It is easier than you think to have your book published, too. There are publishing companies just about everywhere. You also have the option of self-publishing and promoting your book at book stores, flea markets, festivals, and fairs. HOW TO WRITE A BOOK The first step in how to write a book is to decide on the subject of the book. Write a book about what you know or talk to people to find out what they are interested in or need to know about. Decide what type of book you would like to write. There are endless possibilities such as fiction, nonfiction, children’s, biography, how-to, or recipe books just to name a few. Next, create an outline to write a book. Start with chapter names, topics, and sub-topics, and then build on those. For example, if you are writing a book about hunting, chapters could include hunting techniques, butchering, recipes, and helpful tips. Topics for hunting techniques could be bow hunting and gun hunting. Subtopics could include information about bows and guns. Now that you have a basic outline for your book, the title of the book can be created so you can put a name on your project and keep focused on the subject. This title can always be changed later if a more appropriate name is decided upon. Now you are at the step of how to write a book of writing the rough draft. It is important when writing the rough draft to just get your ideas down on paper. Don’t worry about putting the finishing touches on it until later. It is important to get the ideas down on paper that you want to be discussed in your book, and you can elaborate more when you revise and add information later. After writing the rough draft, go back through the manuscript to add more detailed information. When revising your book, you will be rearranging the order of paragraphs and information, adding information, and removing or replacing information. During the editing process to write a book, you can put the finishing touches on the book. Check the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, word usage, and form. Double-check the table of contents and the chapter names for any changes. Decide if you want to have a dedication or acknowledgment page at the beginning of your book to honor or thank anyone that assisted or inspired you in the process of how to write a book or who made some difference in your life. You can also decide if you want any pictures or photos in your book. Make a final decision on the title of the book. Also, decide what you would like the cover of the book or jacket to look like. Many books have a picture and short biography of the author on the back of the book jacket. Type the draft on your computer so it will be easier to change. Years ago, writers only had pencil and paper or an old typewriter available to write their manuscript. Nowadays, computers have made it so much easier and simpler to create and edit a masterpiece of writing without wasting time and a lot of paper. Print out the final manuscript, making sure it is double spaced for easier reading. PUBLISHING YOUR BOOK You have the option of either: Finding a literary agent who will locate a publisher for your book, Finding a publisher for your book on your own, or Self-publishing your book yourself. Oftentimes, publishers will only accept manuscripts from literary agents. On the other hand, publishers like finding unknown or new authors to turn their book into a best seller. Some publishers will even pay the advertising costs if they feel the book has great potential. Many publishers will ask for a hard copy as well as on disk. Literary agents make money by selling your work. When deciding on a literary agent, don’t let them talk you into paying them a reading or editing fee, and don’t pay them in advance. A good idea would be to join various writing organizations and attend workshops and seminars. You will not only learn valuable insights to write a book, but this will also get you in the company of literary agents and publishers. If you decide to self-publish your book, decide on a printer you would like to produce your book. Take both the manuscript in hard copy and on disk to the printer. You will need to discuss details of the book such as typeset, jacket design, book size, and any other information necessary to turn out your book. SELLING YOUR BOOK If you hire a literary agent or publisher, they will take care of most of the advertising. If your self publishes your book, you will take on that responsibility. Your book can be displayed and sold at book stores, department stores, flea markets, festivals, fairs, and even online. TIPS AND WARNINGS If you have never written a book before, start out slowly by writing small articles at first. This will give you an idea of the time and effort that is involved in how to write a book. Then move on to short stories. This will give you the experience to write a bigger project which will be a book. Set time aside every day to work on writing a book. A good practice would be to write at a certain time every day for a certain length of time. Find a quiet place to concentrate to write a book. If you are surrounded by distractions, you will not be able to stay focused and the words will not flow. Don’t get discouraged. It will take time, patience, and maybe some research to write a book. Stay enthusiastic while writing a book. That enthusiasm will give you the determination to meet the goals you have set for yourself. Don’t rush unless you are making this your life’s work and you have a deadline to meet. Enjoy writing and take your time to write a book that others will find pleasure in reading. Keep a thesaurus and dictionary close by to help you broaden the vocabulary to write a book. Ask a family member or friend to read and proofread your finished work. They may find errors that you missed or areas where the text failed to flow. Using ghost writers is an alternative way of how to write a book. A ghostwriter uses your thoughts, ideas, and rough draft to construct the final version of your book. CONCLUSION Although time-consuming and sometimes stressful times, it can be very enjoyable and exhilarating to learn how to write a book for the first time. There are millions of books available to read, but there are a million more books waiting to be written. From how-to books to recipe books to biographies or works of fiction or non-fiction, there are endless possibilities for the person who is working on how to write a book. Don’t be surprised if after you write a book that the writing compulsion in your blood calls you to write another! |
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