How to pronounce Wordfeud
But first of all, what does WordFeud mean? Feud means a bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans. So for short, it means a struggle or war. So basically wordfeud means word war och word battle. If you didn't know the wordfeud game is pretty much a copy of the famous game scrabble. How do you pronounce Wordfeud? Phonetic spelling of feud: fjuːd Our recommended way of pronouncing Wordfeud is: word fjuid
Carpe diem is Latin and was first used by Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) in one of his books.
The word carpe diem means something like "enjoy the day" or "make good use of your day". Latin words might be tricky to pronounce correctly. The best explanation to pronounce carpe diem is car-pay dee-em. If you put together the words rock and drill straight off, it can be Vuoripora.
A twist drill is however called Kierrepora. Most probably the correct translation for rock drilling is Vuoripora. |
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